Our Mission

Creating shared value for people and places

Field States is mission-driven. A handful of foundational documents help guide us:

Core Values & Operating Principles

<aside> <img src="/icons/asterisk_blue.svg" alt="/icons/asterisk_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Core Values

→ Our values inform what projects we take on, the work we create, and how we do it





<aside> <img src="/icons/asterisk_green.svg" alt="/icons/asterisk_green.svg" width="40px" /> Operating Principles

→ Short-phrases that inform our decision-making

Benefit Company & ESB Status

Field States is a registered benefit company in the state of Oregon, subject to ORS 60.750 - ORS 60.770. We are also a certified Emerging Small Business (ESB) as defined in OAR 123-200-1000 to 123-200-2200.

We use the B Impact Assessment from B Lab, and the Responsible Company framework and checklist to evaluate ourselves on an annual basis.